Multigrade mineral extreme pressure lubricants formulated for all types of automotive and industrial gear and recommended for all types of gears working in closed crankcase with heavy loads and high temperatures.
• Good anti-foaming qualities.
• Low freezing point.
• High load resistance.
• Good demulsification.
API: GL-4/GL-5MT-1, SCANIA STO 1:0, MB 235.0
MAN 341 TYPE E2 / MAN 342 TYPE Z2 / MAN 342 TYPE M2 ZF TE-ML 02B, 05A,07, 08, 12L, 12M, 16B, 17B, 19B, 21A VOLVO 97321, JOHN DEERE JDM J11E
CASE MS 1316, FORD M2C197-A